Saturday, 1 March 2014


[G e n e r a l]

✦Name {Last, First}✦ Pembroke, Orla
✦Nickname(s)✦ N/A
✦Birth Date✦ February 9th
✦Age✦ 16
✦Gender✦ Female
✦Nationality✦ Northern European
✦Blood Type✦ AB
✦Sexual Orientation✦ Straight
✦Status✦ Single 
✦Crush✦ Eren Jaeger


[A p p e a r a n c e]

✦Hair Colour/Style/Length✦ Blonde / slight wave / To her shoulder blades

✦Eye Colour✦ Gray/Hazel

✦Body Build✦
Type Slim, athletic, with some curves 
Height 5'7
Weight 115 lbs

✦Distinctive Features✦ Expressive eyes


[A t t i r e]

She is usually in her uniform.

✦Hair style✦
Loose braid,  with her bangs left out. 

✦Glasses or Contacts?✦


A small scare on her right hip from the 3DMG

[M i l i t a r y]


Intelligence: 8/10

Social Skill: 8/10

Weight: 3/10

Height: 2/10

Vitality: 5/10

Battle Skill: 7/10

✦Graduation Rank✦

✦Group Joined✦
Scouting Legion

 ✦Fighting Style✦
Orla is very fast and light on her feat. She is naturally flexible, however she is not physically strong and it is something that she had to focus on during her training as cutting deep enough was hard for her to master. (She still sometimes has problems with this).
She often uses her weight to help with final blows in battle. (She finds she can’t kill them any other way than to jump on them from above).
She knows not to overestimate herself—or underestimate the titans. She works best on her own as she doesn’t think out things well, and is bad at following plans. She does what she feels is right for her and her team and that has saved her many times, but she sees no need to follow orders in these situations. (She often gets an ear full for this.)

 [P e r s o n a l i t y]

Orla is kind hearted person who attempts to have a positive outlook on things despite their situation. She tries to keep herself smiling. She doesn’t like others to see her upset so hides it as best she can. The often causes her to appear naive to others and does have a tendency to exaggerate.
She speaks her mind without thinking about the consequences first and makes jokes when she is nervous - and where she is witty, she doesn’t seem to know when it is appropriate and when it isn’t. It can end up with her coming across as naive or even sometimes insensitive. Where she means no harm sometimes she can't help it.
Orla often allows her instincts to take over, she is definitely an act first think later type of person. 
She doesn’t like when people worry about her, and so will do what she can to prove her independence, although  a lot of the time it ends up with her in more trouble.
If she believes in something she will believe in it whole heartedly, this can lead to her being let down a lot - when her expectations of something or someone is not met.

Thunderstorms, evening walks, relaxing with others, outdoors especially during the night, clear nights.

Being helped by others just because she’s a girl, the titans, hot weather, explaining things in detail, drama, ignorant people, when she isn’t listened to

 [B a c k g r o u n d]


Before the colossal titan attacked Orla lived a happy, normal life with her family, her father was part of the military and her mum stayed at home, she would paint in her free time and look after things at home. During the attack her father was caught up in the fighting and unfortunately didn’t make it. Things were hard at home from then on. 
Orla then put her mind to joining the military.
Things were tight at home and so she knew if she joined not only would she be able to continue in her father’s footsteps, but with one less mouth to feed at home she knew that it would make it easier on her mother. She visits as often as she can, but it can be hard. She has heard that her brother wants to do as she did, since he is now the age where they can sign up but she is constantly trying to talk him out of it, she took up her place to help keep her family safe, and having him in the line of fighting would only defeat the purpose.

John ; Father; (Dead)

Helen ; Mother; (Alive)


Conor ; Younger Brother; (Alive)

Amy , Younger Sister; (Alive)

[E x t r a ]


✦Color✦ Green
✦Drink✦ Water
✦Food✦ Berries
✦Flower✦ lilies
✦Smell✦ Floral scents
✦Sport✦ Running
✦Animal✦ Dear
✦Time of Day✦ Dawn
✦Season✦ Summer


✦ She is known to have a rather loud laugh.
✦ She worries about her family a huge amount.
✦ Orla has never really mourned her fathers death properly. 
✦ Orla never really enjoyed reading that much and Armin has become determined to show her how wonderful it can be.
✦ She has a terribly habit of being easily provoked.
✦ She is conscious of her height.
✦ Orla feels slightly uncomfortable around Mikasa.
✦ Orla will never give up a chance to tease Jean about something.
✦ She would consider Sasha a very good friend.

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