Sunday, 29 June 2014


[G e n e r a l]

✦Name {Last, First}✦ Takagi Nyoko
✦Nickname(s)✦ Nyo-chan
✦Birth Date✦ March 18th
✦Age✦ 19
✦Gender✦ Female
✦Nationality✦ Japanese
✦Blood Type✦ AB
✦Sexual Orientation✦ Straight
✦Status✦ Single

[A p p e a r a n c e]

✦Hair Colour/Style/Length✦ Brown/ Slight wave /Below her shoulder blades

✦Eye Colour✦Blue

✦Body Build✦
Type: Slim, average sized hips, slightly above average bust
Height: 5ft4
Weight: 105lbs

✦Distinctive Features✦
Eye colour


[A t t i r e]

Normally seen in her uniform, outside of school Nyoko doesn’t stick to one style. Whatever's comfortable, she wears. She never puts a huge amount of thought into her clothes, if she has to she will. Also she wouldn’t dress very girly most of the time, again, she will if an occasion calls for it.

✦Glasses or Contacts?✦ Contacts, can do without.

✦Tattoos✦ No.

✦Piercings✦ Ear lobes pierced twice.

[S c h o o l/O c c u p a t i o n]

Karasuno high

Second Year; class 4

Currently not involved with any school clubs

Coach. Nyoko is involved in coaching a younger girls football team outside of school. Done on a volunteer basis.
Currently hoping to hear back from a local cafe.

[C o l l e g e]
University of Tokyo

Computer Science

2nd year

Works on a local bar.

Having secured a place in the University of Tokyo it wasn’t long before Nyoko discovered that Sugawara was also planning on attending. However the distance would be too far to travel daily from the Miyagi Prefecture where Karasuno is located. So the two knew that they were going to have to move away from home. Since they would have to stay in different areas with on campus accommodation; due to the separate sex dorms. It worked out to be cheaper to find an apartment close to the college and share the rent between them. 


 [P e r s o n a l  i t y]

Cheerful, easy going, and laid back although extremely stubborn at times. Nyoko doesn't go out of her way to try and please others, or to try a fit others expectations. She believes people you have to try hard to impress often aren’t worth your time. Meaning she comes across as a very natural person.

She possesses a naturally helpful nature, and comes across as very independent. Seeking help isn’t something she’s great at. As well as her easy going nature she has her playful side that comes along with a very quick wit. More than capable of being rather feisty. It's rather harmless when her friends are involved, simply resulting in some teasing. It could even be described as flirtatious at times.
Nyoko does her best to hold a positive outlook on most if not all situations no matter how bleak it may seem. If something does disappoint her she wont openly show it in front of others… but she’ll definitely feel it. It takes a very, very close friend for Nyoko to show any form of negative emotion to. She is very self conscious about doing such.

Thunderstorms, listening to music, running, watching sports, spicy foods, outdoors especially during the night, clear nights, stargazing.

Not being listen to, demanding people, when people talk with their mouth full, noisy eaters, cycling, loosing. 

Reading game play
Spotting patterns


[H i s t o r y]

Nishinoya was the first member of the volleyball team she became to know. Nyoko met him while he was banned from his club activities, when training with the local mothers team. Which happened to be in the same area that Nyoko voluntarily couched. She recognised him from school, but didn't know him well. At first she didn’t give it much thought but he soon caught her attention when she saw him train. She couldn’t help but to introduce herself after, praising his play.
Her interest grew and she ended up helping out at some training sessions or practice matches if it was needed. Slowly getting to know the other members and Kiyoko. Volleyball hadn’t really been a sport she had ever looked into before, but the quick play sparked her interest. She hasn’t started playing herself… figuring she might be a bit old to just be starting, but watching matches it can be seen that she can read game play very well, if teams playing have a weakness she is normally quick to spot such. She has a very sporty background, and this can apply to number of sports.

Mayumi ; Mother
Azusa ; Father

Daiki ; Older Brother ; 20
Natsume ; Older Brother ; 18
Shun ; Younger Brother ; 15

[R e l a t i o n s h i p]
✦Best Friends✦

Nishinoya, Tanaka, Sawamura, Kenma

Kuroo Tetsurou

Nyoko initially didn't know what to think of Kuroo. She was first friends with Kenma, being in the same college course she went out of her way to get to know the timid male. She is a year ahead of him, but she remembered him from the open day, and he often seemed to be on his own. Through him she then indirectly met Kuroo. She was unsure exactly what his true nature was like because of all the teasing. Although she  is no stranger to teasing the male right back. Resulting in the two hanging out more. She always has fun with Kuroo and they end up much closer than she would have expected they would. She slowly developed a crush on the male but is worried about him teasing her about it if he found out.

Sugawara is someone Nyoko just loves having as a close friend. She enjoys his company, and finds his calm nature extremely refreshing. He is also extremely easy to talk to, and Nyoko will find herself telling him things that she wouldn't dream of speaking about with other people. He does seem to get her to open up more than others simply because Nyoko feels so relaxed around him. Sugawara looks out for her a lot. However she seems to be confused over her feeling over him and weather they are romantic or not.

[E x t r a ]

✦Colour✦ Blue
✦Drink✦ Orange
✦Food✦ Anything spicy
✦Flower✦ Lilly
✦Smell✦ After rainfall
✦Sport✦ Football
✦Animal✦ Fox
✦Time of Day✦ Late night
✦Season✦ Autumn
✦Song✦ R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys

✦ Nyoko is the type of person to shout directions at matches, even on the TV.
✦ She is extremely competitive.
✦ Once asleep Nyoko is a hard person to wake up.
✦ She has a poor sense of time, and is often late for things.
✦ Is currently considering taking over the manager position next year after Kiyoko graduates.
✦ Nyoko is self conscious about her height and the shortest person in her family.
✦ Her best subject in school is maths.
✦ She works well with kids and considered for a while becoming a teacher.
✦ She’s rather intelligent, but not something she talks about really.
✦ She works in a local bar but is on the hunt for a better paying job.
✦ Sawamura also decided last minute that he was attending the same university and sometimes stays the night at theirs.

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